Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Adding SalesPerson to Selected Item in Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail 2012 R2 POS

The purpose of this blog post is to show how to add the salesperson in Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS 2012 R2.
According to TechNet Article : 

The above technet article states the Add salesperson and clear salesperson but nothing in detail has been provided. 
Lets see how can we use or add the salesperson the the transaction items:
Add item to the transaction then,


 Then Click on Add Sales Person button, to configure the Salesperson through Blank Operations, add the following code to your Blank Operations:

After you click on the add salesperson button, you will see the following screen :

After you select the salesperson and click on the OK button then it will be added to your sale Item as shown below:


Raghunath said...

It has been fun following your blog. If you could help in my issue that will be greatful. After Returning the Transaction i need to generate a new receipt, for that i called the receipt from PostReturnTransaction method in TransactionTriggers Project. It is not printing any receipt. I called the same receipt in PreReturnTransaction, the receipt is calling. But i need the Return Transaction receipt only after the payment.

dynamics-ax-pos-development.blogspot.in said...

Can you please explain it in detail??


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